2007 SP1 Search not working
OS: 2003 SP2 X64(...) Exchange 2007 SP1 Rollup 6 Clients outlook Xp/2003/OWA Symptoms: users can't search, TestExchangeSearch fails with false en -1 What have I tried yet? Chech if search was enabled at store-level Manueel indexing rebuild(service stop, remove files, service start) Automatic rebuild Check following counters MSExchange Search Indexer MSFTESQL-Exchange:Catalogs MSFTESQL-Exchange:FD MSFTESQL-Exchange:Indexer MSFTESQL-Exchange:Service (all OK) Server restarted searched event log for stuff with source: MSExchangeSearch Indexer of msftesql-Exchange. Made new storage group and test with a mailbox there Anybody else got any ideas?
May 12th, 2009 11:44am
Hello,1) First thing i would like you to run ExBPA and fix the findings.2) Enable Diagnostics logging on MSExchange Search Indexer3) Rebuild the catalog - To rebuild the catalog directory you have to stop the Microsoft Exchange Search Service, delete the old catalog then restart the service. This will force the server to recreate the full-text index catalog.Net Stop MsExchangeSearch from command prompt or stop the Microsoft Exchange Search service from services.Delete the catalog directory.Note: The directory name follows the convention CatalogData-<guid>-<guid> where the first <guid> is the GUID of the Database, and the second <guid> represents the Instance GUID, which is used on a clustered mailbox server to distinguish between the nodes. The Following is an example folder name:\CatalogData-b56624f3-bf19-4463-926f-d4705ac3dd08-cc64dd2d-2428-4f12-bba2-79d6d34c4d27The typical path for the .edb files and the catalog data directory would be: C:\program files\microsoft\exchange server\mailbox\first storage group\ Checked the application logs and noticed that the Full-Text Index Catalog completed successfully.How to Rebuild the Full-Text Index Cataloghttp://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa995966.aspxArun Kumar | MCSE - 2K3 + Messaging | ITIL-F V3
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May 12th, 2009 7:47pm
Issue description: Search function fails on the exchange 2007
Check info:
1. Is the search function not working via OWA? Whats the symptom?
2. Does the issue happen to all users?
3. Quote: Made new storage group and test with a mailbox
Hows the result?
4. During the rebuild, please monitor all related events in the application log on the exchange server? (Event ID: 108, 109, 110)
1. It seems that you have already tried all steps in this article, right? How the result for Full Crawl Mode Status counter is, 0?
2. Check Log On tab of Properties of Microsoft search and Microsoft Exchange Search indexer services, which account was logon?
3. As Arun suggested, please increase the diagnostics logging on MSExchange Search Indexer, and reproduce the issue, see if we can get more info to analyze
set-eventloglevel -Identity "MSExchange Search Indexer\General" Level High
set-eventloglevel -Identity "MSExchange Search Indexer\Configuration" Level High
Notes: Please change them back to Lowest after you get the error info
4. Make sure that system mailbox on each database is ok
Test-MapiConnectivity | fl
May 13th, 2009 7:17am
Thanks for your replies Arun 1. It does not find any major issues. However it does find some yellow, of which only 1 is not "by design". The storage driver is more then 2 years old. My fault during implementation :D 2. The logs were already set to high, but nothing useful here 3. I have rebuild the catalog numerous times, manual as well as script-wise. I did it once more :) James 1. It just displays "no results found" 2. positive 3. Done 4. Gives success. I'm considering upgrading the storage driver, and rollup 7 is not installed yet, too.
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May 13th, 2009 10:00am
Hows the size of the catalog folder, compare to the database? The Index is usually about 5% of the mailbox database size. 5% of 19 GB is about 900 MB
Please try to use the methods below, similar issue has been fixed by them
Method 1: Re-register MapiProtocolHandlerStub.dll
a. Register MapiProtocolHandlerStub.dll
regsvr32 MapiProtocolHandlerStub.dll
b. Stop the msexchangesearch service
c. Delete the catalog folder
d. Restart the msexchangesearch service
Method 2: remove and re-install the Microsoft Full Text Indexing Engine, please follow the answer of Elvis Wei in this thread
May 13th, 2009 11:09am
James, Thanks for your reply. However, I did find that thread prior to asking this question, but failed to list it in the things I had already tried. The customer will now install rollup pack 7 and update the storage drivers. See if that is of any help
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May 14th, 2009 10:37am
Okey cool, I would recommened you to go for RU7 and update us the status accordingly.Arun Kumar | MCSE - 2K3 + Messaging | ITIL-F V3
May 18th, 2009 12:16pm
Any update on this yet?Arun Kumar | MCSE - 2K3 + Messaging | ITIL-F V3
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 18th, 2009 9:42pm
The customer installed RU 7, and it still isn't working. The size of the catalog is only 132kb, while the store is about 10GB. Obviously not right I'm now going to re-register MapiProtocolHandlerStub.dll, although I have already done the reinstall. I'm not sure what else I can do
May 20th, 2009 2:41pm
Although I already used method 2, method 1 was succesful! Victory thanks Arun and James for the quick and serious help.
Method 1: Re-register MapiProtocolHandlerStub.dll
a. Register MapiProtocolHandlerStub.dll
regsvr32 MapiProtocolHandlerStub.dll
b. Stop the msexchangesearch service
c. Delete the catalog folder
d. Restart the msexchangesearch service
Method 2: remove and re-install the Microsoft Full Text Indexing Engine, please follow the answer of Elvis Wei in this thread
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May 20th, 2009 3:11pm
J Excellent!
May 21st, 2009 4:06am
I just ran into an issue today for the first time whereby I cannot get one of my many Exchange 2007 SP2 RU4 SCC clusters to recreate the indexes for any DBs. I noticed a few days ago that the indexes were not being updated so I simply ran the
resetsearchindexes script to delete all catalog files. However, now that i've done that, my indexes are no longer being created...at all. I've verified all DBs are enabled for indexing and the search and index services are running without
error upon starting. No errors are generating in the event logs. From what I can tell, it looks as though the search service is not properly spawning the
Msftefd.exe process as it should.
I've done everything as described in all the articles by yourself, Xiu and others. However, I have one cluster that now will not regenerate indexes for any DBs. I've uninstalled, reinstalled the full text indexer; re-registered all respective
DLLs but my indexes will no longer recreate. Any help or guidance is appreciated. Thanks.
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January 20th, 2011 11:41am