2010 Exchange 2010 VM Tree
I have created a VM Tree in Exchange 2010. In the VM tree you have two options on how to transfer the caller.
1) Extention #
2) Contact (email address)
x- Transfer directly to VM inbox
When I configure first option of putting in an ext. #, the call gets transfered but if the call is not picked up at the transferred # after 4 rings,
the call is directed back to the VM Tree and does not go to the transferred callers VM box. The same thing happens when I use option # 2 (w/out checking the "Send directly to VM inbox). The only way it seems to be working right now is if I
check the box to send it directly.
Your thoughts? Any feedback would be helpful
chuck dillachuck dilla
August 13th, 2011 2:21pm
Please post the issue in UM Queue to get relevant help.
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August 14th, 2011 2:46am