2010 install problems
I have been having hells own trouble trying to install 2010 on a windows 2008 R2 server.All the errors seem to be installing the Hub Transport component, enabing connection to the existing exchange server 2003.This is the current error I a getting, which I seem unable to work around, nor find any information on.The machine is a fresh install of 2008 R2, with DHCP and IIS installed. Have also installed the extra "features" that exchange requested. I did not intially have ad installed ont he machine, but have installed it (and completed dcpromo) to see if would eleviate the problem, however no such luck. It seems to have difficulty finding itself in active directory, except that it is definitely there, and no in the "domain controller" ou. I am logged in as a domain admin, so permissions should not be an issue. I am now officially stumped, any assistance, or idea on what specifically the error might be caused by would be appreciatedChris Hub Transport RoleFailed
Error:The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); if ($server -eq $null) { new-exchangeserver -DomainController $RoleDomainController -Name $RoleNetBIOSName }" was run: "Couldn't find the parent object for CITG-EXCHANGE on domain controller citg-exchange.citg.uq.edu.au. Check that Servers exists and that the domain controller belongs to domain citg.uq.edu.au.".
Couldn't find the parent object for CITG-EXCHANGE on domain controller citg-exchange.citg.uq.edu.au. Check that Servers exists and that the domain controller belongs to domain citg.uq.edu.au.
Elapsed Time: 00:00:11
January 5th, 2010 7:39am
Did you say that you run dcpromo after you installed IIS? this is nt supported and will break all kinds of permission in IIS.looks like you have some kind of name resolution problem to locate your DC's.Verify DNS zones and DNS client settingslasse at humandata dot se, http://anewmessagehasarrived.blogspot.com
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January 5th, 2010 11:45am
I wanted to know something, r u installing all these on one machine ?Is it production envoirment or lab?
January 5th, 2010 11:46pm
Hi,How did you install Windows Server 2008 R2,from setup media or just from a image?If you install from image,then I think you need to disjoin the computer from domain.Then please use "sysprep /gemeralize" or "slmgr /rearm" to reset the client computer ID(CMID). After that,please add the computer to the domain.Besides, please do not install AD role on the machine which you prepare to install Exchange.Regards,Xiu
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January 6th, 2010 10:57am