2013 OCT setting formatted registry values
In-house scripting standards mandate setting a reg key to track installed applications:
HKLM\Software\Northwind\Applications\[NORTHWIND_APP_ID]\     ProductName=[ProductName]
    ProductVersion=[ProductVersion]     TRANSFORMS=[TRANSFORMS]

NORTHWIND_APP_ID is usually set to something like Manufacturer_ProductName_ProductVersion_Architecture_InternalReleaseVersion with spaces replaced with underscores.  This is used as a key to track applications (eg in a CMDB) and for things like container and group names which relate to the app.

In the OCT (2013, 32 bit) I set NORTHWIND_APP_ID to Microsoft_Office_Professional_Plus_2013_15_x86_S001 and then in the Add Registry Entries section I create the keys above using the formatted data type to insert the property values into the Key Names and Value Data as above.  This works fine in a conventional transform but in the OCT the value of NORTHWIND_APP_ID is correctly substituted into the key names but the value data is not (so I see the property name in square brackets rather than the property value.  Anyone have any ideas on how I might be able to make this work?
April 2nd, 2015 6:04am

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