550 User Unknown
We have Exchange 2003 SP2 on an SBS server.
Most users have no problems receiving emails to their addresses but there are some addresses that external people are having problems emailing to and are getting NDR's back (see below)
The email address is a legitimate address on the server so i dont know whay they cannot send to that address as i have no problems sending to it. As well most other domains have no problems.
Why Does it say "User Unknown" when we know that the user IS known?
Can someone help resolve this issue please
When an external user sends they get the following error back from that address:
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.
Subject: Testing
Sent: 2/2/2007 2:30 PM
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
User Name(User@domainname.ca) on 2/2/2007 2:30 PM
550 <user@domainname.ca>: User unknown.
February 5th, 2007 9:42pm