5 Warning with soapcpp2.exe compilation in gSoap

This is what i have got on cmd after run WSservice.h header file with soapcpp2.exe

C:\Users\Tushar\Desktop\zzzzz>soapcpp2 -i -C -I C:\Users\Tushar\Desktop\gsoap_2.
8.22\gsoap-2.8\gsoap\import WSservice.h

**  The gSOAP code generator for C and C++, soapcpp2 release 2.8.22
**  Copyright (C) 2000-2015, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc.
**  All Rights Reserved. This product is provided "as is", without any warranty.

**  The soapcpp2 tool is released under one of the following licenses:
**  GPL or the commercial license by Genivia Inc.

WSservice.h(3525): *WARNING*: identifier 'ns2__UserConfigurationPropertyType__Xm
lData' starts with or embeds 'Xml' character sequence exclusively reserved for t
he XML standard (for enum constants: please ignore this warning)

WSservice.h(7290): *WARNING*: template type 'std::vector<xsd__base64Binary>' of
attachment objects may lead to deserialization failures, use 'std::vector<*xsd__
base64Binary>' instead

WSservice.h(12370): *WARNING*: template type 'std::vector<xsd__base64Binary>' of
 attachment objects may lead to deserialization failures, use 'std::vector<*xsd_
_base64Binary>' instead

WSservice.h(14544): *WARNING*: identifier 'XmlData' starts with or embeds 'Xml'
character sequence exclusively reserved for the XML standard (for enum constants
: please ignore this warning)

WSservice.h(24953): *WARNING*: identifier 'Xml' starts with or embeds 'Xml' char
acter sequence exclusively reserved for the XML standard (for enum constants: pl
ease ignore this warning)

Saving soapStub.h annotated copy of the source input
Saving soapH.h declarations to #include
Using ns1 service name: ExchangeServiceBinding
Using ns1 service style: document
Using ns1 service encoding: literal
Using ns1 service location: http://localhost:80
Using ns1 schema namespace: http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/services/2006/
Saving soapExchangeServiceBindingProxy.h client proxy class
Saving soapExchangeServiceBindingProxy.cpp client proxy class

that is only the upper part after this all xml and proxy files are saving successfully and at the end of this i have

Compilation successful (5 warnings)

i don't know how to solve this warnings, and are these warning will be create a problem with the development of web services?

and also in line at 

ns1 service location: http://localhost:80

 is it the endpoint url, if yes then where can i find it to change according to my requirement?

Thanks in advance for help.

  • Edited by hacktushar Friday, June 05, 2015 8:57 AM indentation
June 5th, 2015 8:53am

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