9667 errors on Exchange 2003 (SBS)
We are receiving 9667 errors and the recommended fix seems simple enough - create a temporary mailbox store, move all users to temp, delete
database on realtime store, recreate then move users back. The problem is that when I try to create a temp store I get the error "this storage group already
contains the maximum number of stores allowed" which appears to be caused by the fact that the version of Exchange that comes with SBS is Standard and that precludes creating an additional store. Is there a workaround for this issue?
August 16th, 2011 8:56pm
You can raise the quota limits. Because this is SBS, you would have to build a new Exchange Server and move mailboxes if you have completely maxed out the number of named properties;
Your best solution now is to raise the quota and apply the hotfix and registry fix.
Also note the Exchange 2003 hotfix to not promote x-headers to named properties:
For Exchange 2003, we have a
hot fix for Service Pack 2 that enables the control for the creation of x-headers for named properties using a Registry Editor entry:
972077 "Outlook cannot display this view. Unknown Error" error message is generated in Outlook client and Event ID 9667 is logged on an Exchange Server 2003 server
After you apply this fix, you may follow these steps to set a registry entry to control the promotion of X-headers for named properties:
1. Click Start , click
Run , type regedit , and then click OK .
2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
3. On the Edit menu, point to
New , and then click DWORD Value .
4. Type GenerateNamedProperties , and then press
5. Quit Registry Editor.
A 0 value of the GenerateNamedProperties attribute will not generate new named properties.
The default behavior (of the promotion of X-headers for named properties) is true when this registry entry is not found or set to 1.
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August 16th, 2011 9:14pm
I'm receiving an error when trying to download the hotfix so I'll work on that issue with Microsoft. In the interim, does the GenerateNamedProperties reg entry work even w/o the hotfix or is the hotfix a prerequisite for the entry to work?
Thanks in advance for your excellant reply to my issue!
August 16th, 2011 10:14pm
I'm receiving an error when trying to download the hotfix so I'll work on that issue with Microsoft. In the interim, does the GenerateNamedProperties reg entry work even w/o the hotfix or is the hotfix a prerequisite for the entry to work?
Thanks in advance for your excellant reply to my issue!
You'll need that hotfix since its a post SP2 fix. Good luck!
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August 16th, 2011 10:17pm