ADprep error
Actually you didnt need to download the 32bit binaries. Use the proper Exchange 2007 code and run the prep steps from the 64bit Exchange 2007 server thats on the same subnet as the Schema Master. Exchange 2007 and 2010 dont need slipstreaming. If you
get the SP3 thats all you need. Throw what you have away and Install that latest release. Then hotfix it.
"Andre2000" wrote in message news:1dafebb3-241e-46b4-bfeb-178cb3771cf6...
Hi I currently have 1 2003 DC server with exchange 2003 which has been running for around 7 years.
I am upgrading to 2008 R2/ Exchange 2007.
What I have done thus far:
Installed 2008r2 Joined to domain. Dc promo. New box
Installed 2008r2 member sever. Virtual
I did adprep the windows 2003 sever prior to promoting the 2008DC.
I am trying to adprep for exchange 2007 on the r2 machine.
I have also downloaded 32bit sp3 exchange 2007 for adprep on the 32bit 2003 server.
When I try to run prepareAD on he 2003 box:
D:\EXCHANGE32BIT> /preparead
Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unattended Setup
Preparing Exchange Setup
Copying Setup Files .......................... COMPLETED
No server roles will be installed
Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check
Organization Checks ......................... FAILED
An error occurred while running the test. The computer may be out of memory
, or the XML files have been modified.
Parameter name: ConfigurationFileLocation
I am correct in running this parepare ad on on the 2003 exchange box?
On the 2008r2 server I have disabled IPV6.
Please clarify if I am doing the correct steps in the transition?
With regards to excahnge 2007 I have the sp1 version, Am I correct that it will upgrade to sp3 during setup or do I need to slipsrteam sp3 into the instalation?
There is no option to use 2010 exchange (Financial)
Thanks for any insight you can offer.
Mark Arnold, Exchange MVP.
August 4th, 2011 9:37am
Hi Mark thanks for the clarification on this issue.
I will try to run the adprep on the R2 server after I have done some housecleaning on the server 2003/2008 I have some replication issues. I guess I would just put sp3 into the
updates folder in exchange-media/updates.
Please excuse the multiple spelling mistakes in the original post.
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August 4th, 2011 10:10am
You need to download the Exch 2007 SP3 bits and only use those bits for prepping and installing. Download here:
As Mark says, run this from the R2 server with the 64-bit download. The SP3 bits contain the full installation media for Exchange 2007. Also note the latest Update Rollup for SP3 is UR 4:
Tim Harrington | MVP: Exchange | MCITP: EMA 2007/2010, MCITP: Lync 2010, MCITP: Server 2008, MCTS: OCS | Blog: | Twitter:
August 4th, 2011 10:25am
Ok I read the overview I just directly install from E2K7SP3EN64.exe.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
August 4th, 2011 10:29am
Hi I currently have 1 2003 DC server with exchange 2003 which has been running for around 7 years.
I am upgrading to 2008 R2/ Exchange 2007.
What I have done thus far:
Installed 2008r2 Joined to domain. Dc promo. New box
Installed 2008r2 member sever. Virtual
I did adprep the windows 2003 sever prior to promoting the 2008DC.
I am trying to adprep for exchange 2007 on the r2 machine.
I have also downloaded 32bit sp3 exchange 2007 for adprep on the 32bit 2003 server.
When I try to run prepareAD on he 2003 box:
D:\EXCHANGE32BIT> /preparead
Welcome to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unattended Setup
Preparing Exchange Setup
Copying Setup Files ......................... COMPLETED
No server roles will be installed
Performing Microsoft Exchange Server Prerequisite Check
Organization Checks ......................... FAILED
An error occurred while running the test. The computer may be out of memory
, or the XML files have been modified.
Parameter name: ConfigurationFileLocation
I am correct in running this parepare ad on on the 2003 exchange box?
On the 2008r2 server I have disabled IPV6.
Please clarify if I am doing the correct steps in the transition?
With regards to excahnge 2007 I have the sp1 version, Am I correct that it will upgrade to sp3 during setup or do I need to slipsrteam sp3 into the instalation?
There is no option to use 2010 exchange (Financial)
Thanks for any insight you can offer.
August 5th, 2011 7:19am