About Outlook Web Access
I configured Exchange 2007 which has a hub transport role. Edge server is not used in my setup. MX recored is recorded in ISP dns server. When i try to access the server mail box using out look web access from outside the network, i can not access it. When
i checked the mx recored using nslookup., it is registered. When i ping the public ip or the URL it replys. But i cannot access it from outside network.
Exhange is installed on server 2008.
When i send mail it reaches to all addresses. But when i send to the exchange server from yahoo or gmail the server does not show it in the inbox. On the yahoo or gmail i didn' recive any mail failure response.
What do you think is the problem?
June 19th, 2010 9:19am
Two different things going on here. OWA relies on the CAS role in Exchange and mail transport relies on the HUB role in Exchange. So to troubleshoot OWA please verify that you have configured the external URL for OWA, confiure proper certificate,
and have allowed the necessary firewall rules to allow port 443 through that translates the pubic IP to the internal CAS. The MX record should point to the public IP address that will translate through the firewall to the HUB role over port 25.
You will need to create a receive connector on the HUB transport server to accept email from the internet (usually an anonymous connector).Tim Harrington - Catapult Systems - http://HowDoUC.blogspot.com
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June 19th, 2010 5:37pm
Okay. thank you. I configured everything correctly. But one thing remains. When i send mail to yahoo or gmail, mails from my exchange gose to spam. Why do you think this happens. When i open my mail box a message appers. The message sayes "The certificate
was issued by a company you have not choosen to trust.View the certificate to determine whether you want to trust the verifying authority." Does this have any relation with my problem mentioned above.
June 21st, 2010 2:01pm
Again, it sounds like you have two things going on here. On the SPAM issue. Make sure that you have an A and PTR record on external DNS that matches the FQDN that is in your message header (the last hop out of your network). If you don't
have proper DNS in place, most organizations will mark it as SPAM. You can also create an SPF record in your external DNS (some ISP rely on this as well for validation).
On the certificate issue, sounds like you are still using a self-signed cert on your CAS IIS services. You need to replace with preferrably a public certificate that matches the FQDN of your OWA URL. See link below for information on best practices
for you CAS certificate (matters on what you want to publish)
Tim Harrington - Catapult Systems - http://HowDoUC.blogspot.com
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June 21st, 2010 8:17pm
The MX record is recoreded on ISP dns server. I checked it and it is registered. But i don't understand what you mean by the A and PTR record. How can i check if the ISP registered this records. In my dns server, I mean private DNS server, the A recored
is registered.
About the certificate, i dont want to buy certificate. I installed CA in one of the servers and i want to get certeficate from that Server. But when i try to open using
https://localhost/certsrv the page can not be opened. When i open and see IIS 7 cetrtsrv is not created. So i am stuck. I removed the CA and reinstall it but i still can't open the page. Is it a must to buy
a certificate?
I have windows 2008, Exchange 2007 and IIS 7.
June 24th, 2010 3:13pm
When i install Exchange SSl enabled by default. When i open the mail page using the url i get the follwing message "The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate
authority.The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address." When i press ignor link it will give me OWA authentication page.
<noscript id="securityCert1"></noscript>
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June 24th, 2010 3:18pm
Hi ,
just try these steps and let me know its working or not ?
Go to RUN and write "drivers" press Enter than etc folder than open your host file with notepad and in its last line type your IP address of your Exchange server put space and than FQDN of your exchange Server which has the real IP than save it
and try to open it .
I hope this will work.
Waiting for your reply .
Shafaquat Ali.
M.C.I.T.P Exchange 2007 M.C.I.T.P Windows Server 2008 M.C.T.S OCS Server 2007 R2
June 24th, 2010 3:19pm