About displaying different languages in my computer!?
Hello everyone,I read about some stuff on MUI and LIP in vista (I currently have windows vista premium 32-bit), but my question wasn't totally solved!!I waited 3 years for the release of a game (MMORPG) in the english version, but it didn't happen and I am quite sure it will not happen =/ .... so then I decided start learning korean to play the korean version of it!I have sucessesfully found websites and stuff where I can learn korean and have already downloaded the korean version of the game.My problem though, is that I want to be able to read the korean characters that the program (game) display... which isnt possible since the windows doesnt recognize it I guess =/ ..... I can type in korean, but the windows cannot display it in programs!!So, I dont know if getting the Korean MUI pack would able windows to display those characters!?Can anyone help me on that??And again, do I really have to have Vista Ultimate to install MUI packs??Thanks in advance!
December 3rd, 2008 10:16pm
This forum is for exchange related issues. For questions about Windows Vista please use the Windows Vista IT Pro Forum which would be the more relevant place for your question
As a non-expert on vista, Id just provide some personal opinions:
If the issue is only the display of Korean, installation of Microsoft AppLocale Utility would solve the issue, yet it also needs to depend on how that game was designed. I suggest that you also consult on the support forum of that game
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December 5th, 2008 9:14am