Satyajit is correct.
As an aside, in Office 365, we enforce this at the provisioning layer, however, this creates an unfortunate situation when a domain is retired - basically it can't be retired without removing the domain from all mailboxes first. This behavior must
be enforced in Office 365, but most administrators would find this difficult in the on-premises environment. Especially when you think about mergers and divestures, this type of enforcement could create problems. Office 365, by the way, also does
not use address book policies. Most larger environments also have specific provisioning scripts or apps or DirSync which could easily prevent this type of accident.
If you want a remote user for non-accepted domain to exist in the GAL, then use mail user or mail contact object instead of mailbox. Alternately, depending on the details of your environment, you could use rules or other transport features like OpenDomainRouting to
change the behavior so that this is no longer possible.
Also, while we do accept feedback, and your point of view is understood and respected, Exchange has always worked this way. Personally, I have never heard this complaint before. So this type of request would be a "design change", not
a "bug" because it could impact thousands of customers who may depend on it working a certain way today. Changes like this are not made lightly.
If you want it to change or want to pursue workarounds which do exist, I suggest a support ticket will likely be necessary.
Thanks Scott
But as I said this is a very bad behavior and should be fixed or at least be an option to choose. it is not rational to make mail contacts for all external users.
You mentioned, If I am right, that there are some methods to prevent this, would you please explain more or give us links about those kind of scripts, transport rules or opendomainrouting to resolve this issue?
and at last, again I believe this is not correct for Microsoft to wait for tickets to improve its products. I am evaluating exchange 2010 now so I do not have a support from Microsoft but I think MS guys should check these issues and present workarounds.
Thanks again Scott for your patience and answer
and BTW, this should be corrected in many books (MSpress and others). this is the minimum action to be done whether you call it a bug or a design type, the correct situation should be stated in references.