Access 2003 - Form Problem

I have a very old database and it has been working great, but recently when I went to open the inputting form I use, instead of opening up and showing 1 of 205 records, it opens up with 1 of 1 record and this particular form is blank.  If I click on a field and then the sort button, then all my records appear (it then says 1 of 205 records).  So, basically I have to sort the forms before they come up.  This is a new problem.  (Recently someone else has been working in  the database, but she doesn't recall doing anything that would have caused this problem.)

July 16th, 2015 4:33pm


Your form is probably in filter mode. Check the VBA-code behind the form, and the code/macro behind the button which opens the form. If you can't find anything, add this VBA-code to the form's OnOpen/OnLoad events.

Me.FilterOn = False

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July 16th, 2015 4:40pm

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