Access 2003 and Outlook 2010 problem!!!

<p>In the office we use a access 2003 database (here is the picture)</p><p><img alt="" src="" /></p><p>When i click on the red assigned button, i got an error like this :</p><p><img alt="" src="" /></p><p></p><div></div>

Here is the button code:

Private Sub emailklds_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_emailklds_Click


    Dim stDocName As String


    stDocName = "Igny_riport"

   DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70


Select Case Me!capex_opex

Case "CAPEX"

If IsNull(Me![Projektkd]) Or IsNull(Me![PST_kd_capex]) Or IsNull(Me![PST_kd_tech]) Then MsgBox "A Projektkd, PST kd s PST tech. kd nem maradhat resen!", vbCritical Else: DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70

Case "OPEX"

If IsNull(Me![Kltsghely]) Then MsgBox "A Kltsghely nem maradhat resen!", vbCritical Else: DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70

Case Else

MsgBox "A Capex/Opex mez csak a kvetkez rtkeket tartalmazhatja: CAPEX vagy OPEX!", vbCritical

End Select


Select Case Me!capex_opex

Case "CAPEX"

If IsNull(Me![Projektkd]) Or IsNull(Me![PST_kd_capex]) Or IsNull(Me![PST_kd_tech]) Then GoTo vge:

Case "OPEX"

If IsNull(Me![Kltsghely]) Then GoTo vge:

End Select



    DoCmd.SetWarnings False

     DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO LOG_rtestsklds (Usernv, Dtum, To, CC, Ignyazonost, Esemny, File) VALUES (currentuser(), now(), felettesemail, Helyettesemail , Ignyazonost, 'Felettes rtesitse', Ignyazonost & '_anyagigny_' & date() & '_' & Ignyl & '.snp' )")

    'DoCmd.SetWarnings True


    Me!Ttelszerkeszts = -1

    Me!Jvhagysra_kldve = Now()

    '[mdosts].Enabled = False


     DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewDesign, , , acHidden

     Reports(stDocName).Caption = Me!Ignyazonost & "_anyagigny_" & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "_" & Me!Ignyl

   '  DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewNormal


     DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, stDocName, acFormatSNP, felettesemail & ";" & Helyettesemail, , , "Anyagignyls, jvhagysra: " & Igny_neve & " (Ignyazonost: " & Ignyazonost & ")", "Szia," & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Krlek engedlyezd az albbi anyagignylst az anyagignyl rendszerben!" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Ksznm," & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Ignyl_neve


     DoCmd.Close acReport, stDocName, acSaveNo



    Exit Sub



    DoCmd.Close acReport, stDocName, acSaveNo


    DoCmd.SetWarnings False

     DoCmd.RunSQL ("INSERT INTO LOG_rtestsklds (Usernv, Dtum, To, CC, Ignyazonost, Esemny, File) VALUES (currentuser(), now(), felettesemail, Helyettesemail, Ignyazonost, 'Felettes rtesitse - klds megszaktva', Ignyazonost & '_anyagigny_' & date() & '_' & Ignyl & '.snp' )")

    DoCmd.SetWarnings True


    MsgBox Err.Description

    Resume Exit_emailklds_Click


End SuB

Somebody can help me with this?

Maybe the access 2003 db wont work with outlook 2010 when i want to send an email?

Ohh and the button function is to send an email to a person.

Thanks in advance!

June 25th, 2015 5:15am

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