Access Denied to Network Printer
I am a Tier I support, requesting info on a strange issue on my domain, I have a user who is able to map printers, however shows "access denied" while trying to set default, or print to either printer. Here is information/ things tried so far.
Logged in under network admin (myself) and was able to print/ add printers from my profile.
PC has been rebooted
User is owner of his profile
User is in correct security groups
User's profile maps drives and E-mail with no error
User's account does not have access to modify printer. (Ex. All options to 'Add' or 'Remove' network ports is greyed out
User can ping subnet and printer from PC
No errors encountered in any Event Logs
Printer is spooled
Correct Drivers are mapped
I can add/remove any printers on the server, however I can't make a default pritner, or modify any atributes within the Properties relm.
Please Help me out, I'm Stumpted!!!!
December 3rd, 2008 5:38am
Hi Joe,
This is Exchange Server - Admin forum, suggest you to post your query in Windows Server Newsgroup to get faster response.
Windows NewsGroup:
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
December 3rd, 2008 8:43am