Hello, wer are running Exchagne 2010 SP3 RU8v2 in our enviornment. In light of some security issues with the new Outlook for iOS and Android, we decided to block any device trying to sync with this application.
I created an Active Sync rule, based on the UserAgent first, and seemed to not work, so i created on based on DeviceOS (see blow) and that doesn't seem to work either. It's been about 2 hours since I created these, so not sure if it's a timing thing either.
as you can see from the below output, I'm expecitng the device to be blocked but it is still in the allowed state.
Am I missing something? Anyone have any insight?
DeviceId : C62DDA89E034BB93
DeviceImei :
DeviceMobileOperator :
DeviceOS : Outlook for iOS and Android 1.0
DeviceOSLanguage :
DeviceTelephoneNumber :
DeviceType : Outlook
DeviceUserAgent : Outlook-iOS-Android/1.0
DeviceModel : Outlook for iOS and Android
DeviceAccessState : Allowed
DeviceAccessStateReason : Individual
DeviceAccessControlRule :
DeviceActiveSyncVersion : 14.1