We had this exact same problem, and after a supportcase with Microsoft, we got a solution that worked for us:
On all CAS servers:
In \Exchange Server\V15\FrontEnd\HttpProxy\sync\web.config, add this key in the <appSettings> node.
<add key="HttpProxy.ConcurrencyGuards.TargetBackendLimit" value="5000" />
In \Exchange Server\V15\FrontEnd\HttpProxy\rpc\web.config, add this key in the <appSettings> node.
<add key="HttpProxy.ConcurrencyGuards.TargetBackendLimit" value="5000" />
After this change recycle the MSExchangeSyncAppPool and MSExchangeRPCProxyAppPool in IIS manager.
After this, we stopped getting Event ID 2002, and all Connection_Dropped_Event_List_Full stopped appearing in Httperror logs.
This was a "new find", and the technician that had worked this out was going to inform the developers. He recommended a minimum of 2000 (default: 150), but in our case he instructed 5000. (for 25000 users)
Hopefully this will work for more people.
Proposed as answer by
Friday, February 20, 2015 1:23 AM