Hi there,
This pertains to Outlook 2007. I would like to add a custom item to a context menu. It's the menu that appears when you highlight some text in an email and right click on it (with options Copy, Who Is, Synonyms, Translate).
I've added items to other context menus before, but I can't seem to find a way into this one. I haven't found a the CommandBar object that is shown for that menu. If anybody knows the name of that, and/or has an example of customizing it, I'd really appreciate it.
If this is not possible, plan B is to create a custom drop-down menu that does basically the same thing, but it would live in the command bars on top of the view panes (i.e. above Inbox). I'd need to be able to dynamically set the label so it reflects the current thing highlighted. In this case, I'd just need the name of the event that fires when text is highlighted (hopefully there's such a thing) so that the code doesn't have to keep checking what's highlighted.
Thanks for reading! Hope this all makes sense. Please let me know if you have any questions.
- Edited by JustAnotherVBDev Tuesday, June 30, 2015 8:41 PM Cleaned up question wording to make it more clear.