Adding IPs to RemoteIPRanges using a script
I have a small script where I read a list of IP address from text file and I want to add the IP address to the RemoteIPRanges of a Receive Connector I have set up. The script:
$hubRe = Get-ReceiveConnector EX-HUB-RE\AppRelay--EX-HUB-RE$listIP = Get-Content .\ipList2.txtforeach($ipAdd in $listIP){ $toAdd = '"' $toAdd += $ipAdd $toAdd += '"'
$hubRe.RemoteIPRanges += $toAdd $hubRe | Set-ReceiveConnector
$toAdd = ""}
When I run the script, I get the following errors:
Exception setting "RemoteIPRanges": "Cannot convert value "System.Object[]" totype "Microsoft.Exchange.Data.MultiValuedProperty`1[Microsoft.Exchange.Data.IPRange]". Error: "Failed to convert "" from System.String to Microsoft.Exchange.Data.IPRange.""At C:\Documents and Settings\martin_s\Desktop\setAPCrelay.ps1:14 char:11+ $hubRe.R <<<< emoteIPRanges += $toAdd
How can I add the IP addresses from my text file to the RemoteIPRanges of a connector?
How can I convert a string to
October 20th, 2008 9:55pm
1. You don't have to use $toAdd = '"' because what we define in-between " is value and we can directly pass if we are passing through a variable.
2. You need to get the Receive Connector configuration everytime inside the loop.
3. Your IP range should be in format and each line one range should be placed in iplist2.txt file.
$listIP = Get-Content .\ipList2.txtforeach($ipAdd in $listIP){
$hubRe = Get-ReceiveConnector EX-HUB-RE\AppRelay--EX-HUB-RE$hubRe.RemoteIPRanges += $ipAdd$hubRe | Set-ReceiveConnector
Modifying Multivalued Properties
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October 21st, 2008 5:29am
You can refer to
Excerpt from that thread:
$hubRe = Get-ReceiveConnector "RelayConnector"
import-csv "c:\ipList2.txt" | foreach {$hubRe.RemoteIPRanges +=
$hubRe| Set-ReceiveConnector
Hope it helps.
October 22nd, 2008 10:19am
Thanks Xiu. That did the trick.
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October 22nd, 2008 6:15pm