Some users started having trouble with email, so I took the DNS A record out for CAS02. I also realized that I had not added all the receive connectors that CAS01 had, so I did that.
Yes, I can login to OWA via https://cas02/OWA.
If I try to configure an Outlook profile with cas02.domain.pri then I get the error: "Outlook cannot log on. Verify you are connected to the network and are using the proper server and mailbox name. The connection to the Microsoft Exchange is Unavailable.
Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action."
Also, when I run: "Get-ClientAccessServer | Get-OutlookAnywhere | select identity,*hostname" from CAS01 I get both Servers listed with internal and external names =
When I run the same command on CAS02 I get:
"The operation couldn't be performed because object 'MBX01.domain.pri\CAS01' couldn't be found on
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Get-OutlookAnywhere], ManagementObjectNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=MBX01,RequestId=4655cbf5-1fff-427a-89f7-33931ca03d33,TimeStamp=3/5/2015 4:48
:10 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-ManagementObjectNotFoundException] 970BB837,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemCo
+ PSComputerName : cas02.domain.pri