Advice - Accept single email address from domain
Hopefully I will explain this well. Our company has aquired another company. We use Exchange 2007 and the other company uses Google apps for email. The company we aquired will need to continue to operate using their domain name and we would like for them
to continue with Google mail for now. We did however hire on one of their employees. We would like that user to use our exchange server for both OUR domain and his old domain. This is because he still needs to use his old email\domain for certain parts of
his job.
I originally thought this would be easy. I would setup the accepted domain name and add his old email addy to his account then remove his email from the Google mail domain and setup the google mail domain to forward unknown email to our server. Well
this caused issues that we could then not contact the other users in the domain from our exchange server because our exchange server tried to rout mail for that domain internally
Does anyuone have any advice on how to set this up?
May 31st, 2011 1:10pm
What you did was almost correct. You can add the other domain as an internal relay domain and then create a SEND connector wwith that address space pointing to Google mail. That should solve the issue (in addition to the other configuration you did).
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May 31st, 2011 2:13pm
Hi cochran242,
Leif gave some good suggestion, any update for your issue?
You could configure the old smtp address as the internal relay accept domain, some information for you:
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June 1st, 2011 5:29am
I will attempt this setup today and post my update when complete. I really appreciate yhe advice!
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June 1st, 2011 3:48pm