Allow blocked file
I'm running Exchange 2007 server with SP1, uaser complains that he can't get the .mdb (accesss db) file as by edfualt blocked by Exchange 2007. I wanna know what is the security risk with this type of file.
May 21st, 2009 9:52am
mdb: Access Application (Microsoft), MDB Access Database (Microsoft)
---------<Attachment file types blocked by Outlook>
We shall not allow such attachment through the exchange, the attachment with such extension may put server and workstation at risk for viruses or other potential threats
If such file really needs to be accessed, the user shall ask files sender to change the extension (A.mdb --> A.__) , so exchange server wont expose any security leak
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May 21st, 2009 12:10pm
As far as i know file extension blocking is done at the outlook level. You can allow certain file extensions, and grant them an access level using group policy. The access level tells outlook what it can do with the file. For example save only rather than open. See here for gpo info Managing Outlook 2007 through Group Policies (Part 2) See here for a one time registry setting You may receive an "Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments" message in Outlook
May 21st, 2009 1:09pm
Hi,If you read Outlook Resource Kit documentation and implement the whole solution described there you will be able to administer the whole Outlook security infrastructure centrally on user level through an Outlook form pulished to a special Public Folder.The documentation and necessary files can be downloaded here (Outlook 2003 Administrator Pack):,Zoltn - Free Antivirus for Exchange
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
May 21st, 2009 4:07pm
Yes, you can allow those MDB attachments with LKeneston suggested, and the action takes the certain security risk along
May 29th, 2009 4:26am