Alternate option for exchange database defragmentation
Hi, I am looking for an alternate option to defragmenting the exchange database to get rid of whitespace. We have been practising the option of creating a blank database, move all mailboxes to new database & delete the old DB which had large whitespace. However we have some concerns regarding this solution in our environment. 1. The dumpster data is lost by following this method. 2. Very soon we are ending up in the same situation (large whitespace) on the new DB as well. We recently heard that there are certain tools being built & tested by Microsoft which would help eliminating the whitespace while the database is online. Please let us know if there is any such option or if there are any other alternate solution for this. Thanks in advance !!!
March 14th, 2007 7:42am

There are several third party tools out there which help to perform an "offline defrag" online... I would suggest googling it. Of course, you will have to pay for these utilities, expect them to be reasonably expensive too.
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
March 15th, 2007 7:22am

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