Application server relaying
I have created an additional receive connector on my HUB. I have given anonymous access to the conector and restricted connections to it by IP. It works fine. My problem is I need to allow a coouple of other app servers to connect, but they do not need to relay only deliver to the local domain. How canI allow these other app servers to connect to the new receive connector but not be able to relay to the outside world.Thanks
June 26th, 2009 5:34pm

I recall doing this a few months ago by unticking the Externally secured feature. I think this will only route mail internally.Client actually had a problem where mail was only being routed internally and not externally and it was b/c the externally secured was not checked on the receive connector. There may have been a few other thigns but I do know there is a way to do it. I'd suggest setting up a new receive connector if you're going to do this.SF - MCITP:EMA, MCTS
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June 27th, 2009 4:30pm

Hi, You can create a transport rule to silently drop the messages which are coming from specific email account to Internet. This will allow internal mailfow to work and block all the emails sent to Internet from specific account Below link will help you in creating transport rules Regards, Krishna
June 27th, 2009 10:42pm

Hi, Please understand by default, the Anonymous account does not have replay permission (Ms-Exch-SMTP-Accept-Any-Recipient). You either need to add the permission to Anonymous account or have Application Server to authenticate to Exchange Server if you would like to have the Application Server replay message. Therefore, if you do not add the permission to the Receive Connector, you can still use the Receive Connector for Application Server to send message to internal recipient. Receive Connectors Allowing application servers to relay off Exchange Server 2007a Mike
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June 30th, 2009 10:44am

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