Applying Folder Retention Policies

I have gone ahead and created a RetentionPolicy to remove items older than 60 days from the DeleteItems folder. I have assigned the new Policy to a few users that were migrated from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013. When I use the get-mailbox command,  I can see the new policy applied. However.... when I perform a get-RetentionPolicyTag -Mailbox "MovedMailbox" nothing returns. What am I missing here?

How can I confirm this policy is applying?


  • Edited by BTRowdy1 Monday, June 15, 2015 5:00 PM
June 15th, 2015 4:59pm

Define "nothing returns"? Do you see all the other tags, or just empty output? You can try giving the MFA assistant a push via Start-ManagedFolderAssistant. Or check the last time the mailbox was processed (ELCLastSuccessTimestamp) via:

Export-MailboxDiagnosticLogs user -ExtendedProperties

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June 15th, 2015 8:20pm


The Mailbox parameter isn't available in this release.

Refer from:

If you can see the new policy applied under the get-mailbox command, then this policy has been applied. You may consider to login on of these mailbox to confirm.

Best Regards.

June 17th, 2015 5:33am

Just an empty output... for the tad items applied to the mailbox.

I can see a timestamp in the output you requested.

<Value>6/22/2015 7:12:48 AM</Value>

I still don't see any items being purged from the mailbox.

I have run the following to provide the output.

Get-Mailbox movedmailbox |Select RetentionPolicy
Get-RetentionPolicy "My Company Retention Policy"
Get-RetentionPolicyTag "MyCompany_DeletedItems_60Days" 

My Company Retention Policy                                                                                         

 RunspaceId                  : 13d724ab-f180-4f5c-a6d5-db3a2622a8bd
RetentionId                 : 4c709b2d-a972-42ba-9b76-0c3f55c880b4
RetentionPolicyTagLinks     : {MyCompany_DeletedItems_60Days}
IsDefault                   : False
IsDefaultArbitrationMailbox : False
AdminDisplayName            :
ExchangeVersion             : 1.0 (
Name                        : My Company Retention Policy
DistinguishedName           : CN=My Company Retention Policy,CN=Retention Policies
Identity                    : My Company Retention Policy
Guid                        : 4c709b2d-a972-42ba-9b76-0c3f55c880b4
ObjectCategory              : MyCompany.local/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Mailbox-Recipient-Template
ObjectClass                 : {top, msExchRecipientTemplate, msExchMailboxRecipientTemplate}
WhenChanged                 : 4/21/2015 5:11:56 AM
WhenCreated                 : 4/21/2015 5:11:35 AM
WhenChangedUTC              : 4/21/2015 11:11:56 AM
WhenCreatedUTC              : 4/21/2015 11:11:35 AM
OrganizationId              :
Id                          : My Company Retention Policy
OriginatingServer           : PP-CAL-DC04.MyCompany.local
IsValid                     : True
ObjectState                 : Unchanged


 runspaceId                            : 13d724ab-f180-4f5c-a6d5-db3a2622a8bd
MessageClassDisplayName               : All Mailbox Content
MessageClass                          : *
Description                           : Managed Content Settings
RetentionEnabled                      : True
RetentionAction                       : DeleteAndAllowRecovery
AgeLimitForRetention                  : 60.00:00:00
MoveToDestinationFolder               :
TriggerForRetention                   : WhenDelivered
MessageFormatForJournaling            : UseTnef
JournalingEnabled                     : False
AddressForJournaling                  :
LabelForJournaling                    :
Type                                  : DeletedItems
IsDefaultAutoGroupPolicyTag           : False
IsDefaultModeratedRecipientsPolicyTag : False
SystemTag                             : False
LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName       : {}
Comment                               : MyCompany Deleted Items Policy
RetentionId                           : 20cae48f-78b2-4da5-a9ac-f8411936f284
LocalizedComment                      : {}
MustDisplayCommentEnabled             : False
LegacyManagedFolder                   :
AdminDisplayName                      :
ExchangeVersion                       : 1.0 (
Name                                  : MyCompany_DeletedItems_60Days
DistinguishedName                     : CN=MyCompany_DeletedItems_60Days,CN=Retention Policy Tag
Identity                              : MyCompany_DeletedItems_60Days
Guid                                  : 20cae48f-78b2-4da5-a9ac-f8411936f284
ObjectCategory                        : MyCompany.local/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-ELC-Folder
ObjectClass                           : {top, msExchELCFolder}
WhenChanged                           : 4/21/2015 5:10:49 AM
WhenCreated                           : 4/21/2015 5:10:30 AM
WhenChangedUTC                        : 4/21/2015 11:10:49 AM
WhenCreatedUTC                        : 4/21/2015 11:10:30 AM
OrganizationId                        :
Id                                    : MyCompany_DeletedItems_60Days
OriginatingServer                     : DC04.MyCompany.local
IsValid                               : True
ObjectState                           : Unchanged

  • Edited by BTRowdy1 17 hours 0 minutes ago
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June 22nd, 2015 10:22am

I logged into the mailbox and still notice deleted items dating many months back.

June 22nd, 2015 10:28am

So it seems the mailbox is indeed processed by the MFA, and it *should* delete items. Follow the steps in this article to see if you can find anything funny via MFCMAPI:

Check the IPM.Configuration.MRM item, the PR_ROAMING_XMLSTREAM data in it, and the actual tag stamped on the Deleted items folder.

  • Marked as answer by BTRowdy1 15 hours 48 minutes ago
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June 22nd, 2015 10:48am

The Blog helped thanks.

I used MFCMAPI and can see items being flagged with the new PR_Retention_Date. It's just 60 days from when I enabled the Retention Policy. I guess people will just have to wait some more time. I didn't realise the managed folder assistant was being replaced by Policy otherwise I would have looked into this right after moving to Exchange 2013.  

Thanks for your help!

June 22nd, 2015 11:39am

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