Some of our users log into shared mailboxes via OWA 2013 as delegate users with full access. We have auditing for Move and MoveToDeletedItems turned on for both owners and delegates. We have a user who is trying to figure out how a particular email was deleted (to deleted items). The email came in on April 7th, around 2:50 pm. We cannot find any MoveToDeletedItems, but can see the Move that the user made when moving the email out of Deleted Items to another folder at 4:30.
I'm running the following powershell command:
Search-MailboxAuditLog -Identity "GroupMailbox1" -LogonTypes Owner,Delegate -ShowDetails -StartDate "04/06/2015" -EndDate "04/08/2015" | Export-CSV c:\grp1audit.csv
I have done a test from this box, logged in as my own login (not admin), deleted an item and moved it back. I can see both actions in the audit log using the command above. I've checked the mailbox rules, and there is no rule that I see that would move that email to Deleted Items automatically. Is there any other way for a user to delete an email to the Deleted Items folder that wouldn't be logged in MoveToDeletedItems?