Auto-sync AcceptedDomains between HUB's?
We got two HUB/CAS-servers in our domain and an Edge on DMZ. When we entered all the Accepted Domains and Send Connectors on one of the HUB's we thought it was supposed to replicate to the other one, but this didn't happen? On all sendconnectors the source servers are set to both the HUB-servers, and I've ran start/test-edgesyncronisation and all is synced, but the second hub is still blank so we've excluded it through NLB for the moment.
September 25th, 2009 11:35pm
BACKGROUND INFORMATION REQUIRED CCR OR SCC ?Multiple Hub and Cas on same active directory sites ?RegardsSAsyed.arsalan
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September 26th, 2009 7:16am
Hi,Almost all of the HUB server configuration is stored in Active Directory so all HUB transport servers inthe same AD should have the same information.Leif
September 26th, 2009 11:59am
Thanks Leif. I thought so too. I think we overlooked the most basic steps. Another guy at our work rebooted the lazy HUBserver, and when mgnt console was launched again, all connectors and accepteddomains were there. I actually now think it was replicated al along. It was management console that didn't read the latest configuration from AD although refresh/F5 was frequently used. I dont think a reboot was neccessary. Thanks for your answer
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September 26th, 2009 12:46pm