AutoAccept from external address not working
Hey all, Having a problem where an external user sends a meeting request to a room resource and the room is only accepting the meeting as tentative and not AutoAccepting, internal users are able to invite the user just fine and it AutoAccepts. Here are the details of the calendar settings for the mailbox: get-mailboxcalendar settings "boardroom" | fl AutomateProcessing : AutoAccept AllowConflicts : False BookingWindowInDays : 180 MaximumDurationInMinutes : 1440 AllowRecurringMeetings : True EnforceSchedulingHorizon : True ScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours : False ConflictPercentageAllowed : 0 MaximumConflictInstances : 0 ForwardRequestsToDelegates : True DeleteAttachments : True DeleteComments : True RemovePrivateProperty : True DeleteSubject : True DisableReminders : True AddOrganizerToSubject : True DeleteNonCalendarItems : True TentativePendingApproval : True EnableResponseDetails : True OrganizerInfo : True ResourceDelegates : {} RequestOutOfPolicy : AllRequestOutOfPolicy : False BookInPolicy : AllBookInPolicy : True RequestInPolicy : AllRequestInPolicy : False AddAdditionalResponse : False AdditionalResponse : RemoveOldMeetingMessages : True AddNewRequestsTentatively : False ProcessExternalMeetingMessages : True DefaultReminderTime : 15 RemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : False Identity : DOMAIN.local/DOMAIN/Resources/Boardroom
January 7th, 2010 9:12pm
Hi, If Exchange 2007 is unable to match the incoming e-mail to an item in the GAL, it will not process the meeting request. Thanks,Mike
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January 12th, 2010 10:35am
That did it, I added a contact in Exchange with the email address of the external user that was sending and now the calendar accepts the meeting. Thanks!
January 12th, 2010 7:48pm