AutoAccept in Exchange 2010?
We are moving from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 server, I used AutoAcceptAgent for my room and equipment mailboxes. Now I need to set Auto Accept in 2010 system, but the cmdlet from Exchange 2007 is not working, can't find answer in documentation.
Thanks for help.
January 21st, 2010 11:49am
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January 25th, 2010 10:29am
It would help if we had a little more information than "it doesn't work".If you're trying to set it up in Exchange 2010, you need to use the Exchange 2010 EMS.
January 25th, 2010 2:53pm
Hi,You can use either Powershell or the Management ConsoleIn Recipient Configuration | Mailbox | Select a Resource Mailbox | Properties | Resource General tab | ensure 'Enable the Rsource Booking Attendant...' box is ticked.You can also perform this in Powershell, in an EMS window: Set-CalendarProcessing "Resource Mailbox Name" -AutomateProcessing AutoAcceptMore information: "Enable or Disable Automatic Booking on a Resource Mailbox" you have done this and it isn't working, please provide more details.OliverOliver Moazzezi | Exchange MVP, MCSA:M, MCTS:Exchange 2010, BA (Hons) Anim
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January 25th, 2010 3:25pm
Hi Olivier,
seems I have a similar problem.
I created resources mailboxen (for rooms and projectors), enabled (using both shell and EMS) the autoaccept (check via the get-Calendarprocessing cmd-let)
When I (as user with sufficient rights to request a meeting room) request a room, nothing happens until I open the resource-mailbox and open the mail (I do not need to accept). The strange part does not matter whetter the autoaccept is on or not...behavior is just the same (= no-autoaccept)
Is there some general setting that I should take care of to allow autoaccept to function properly?
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-CalendarProcessing "dtestproj" | list
RunspaceId : fb8d06f4-14f5-4d7a-ae97-f2d402a30a7bAutomateProcessing : AutoAcceptAllowConflicts : FalseBookingWindowInDays : 180MaximumDurationInMinutes : 1440AllowRecurringMeetings : TrueEnforceSchedulingHorizon : TrueScheduleOnlyDuringWorkHours : FalseConflictPercentageAllowed : 0MaximumConflictInstances : 0ForwardRequestsToDelegates : TrueDeleteAttachments : TrueDeleteComments : TrueRemovePrivateProperty : TrueDeleteSubject : TrueAddOrganizerToSubject : TrueDeleteNonCalendarItems : TrueTentativePendingApproval : TrueEnableResponseDetails : TrueOrganizerInfo : TrueResourceDelegates : { daniel}RequestOutOfPolicy :AllRequestOutOfPolicy : FalseBookInPolicy : { daniel}AllBookInPolicy : FalseRequestInPolicy :AllRequestInPolicy : FalseAddAdditionalResponse : TrueAdditionalResponse : dit is een test van DanielTestProjRemoveOldMeetingMessages : TrueAddNewRequestsTentatively : TrueProcessExternalMeetingMessages : FalseRemoveForwardedMeetingNotifications : FalseIdentity : testprojector
March 25th, 2010 2:02am