AutoResponder for Ex2007
How can I create an autoresponder for an alias?
For example, someone send e-mail to, which gets sent on to the entire sales team.. however, there should be an auto response to the sender "Your message was received, blah blah blah".
Any advice?
September 6th, 2007 6:02pm
Hi Marc,
In the console go to the Organizational Part / Mailbox
Hub transport rulesYou configure the Transport Rules agent on the Hub Transport server role to create rules that are applied to messages that are sent to or from users in the organization. The Hub Transport rules help control communications that are affected by regulatory compliance and corporate policy requirements. These rules are stored in the ActiveDirectory directory service and are available to, and are applied by, all Hub Transport servers. Hub Transport rules support an extended set of conditions, letting you control message flow based on distribution groups, internal or external recipients, message classifications, and message importance. Actions determine how the message is processed when a specified condition is true. Possible actions include applying a message classification, appending disclaimer text, redirecting the message to an address, removing the message header, or logging an event. Optional exceptions exempt particular messages from having an action applied.By using Hub Transport rules, you can create regulatory ethical walls to limit communications between internal departments where conflicts of interest may exist, and you can protect your company and clients against privacy invasion.
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September 6th, 2007 9:23pm
I do not see any action in hub transport that will send an auto-response to the sender.
In addition, the only condition that even looks close is "sent to a member of a distribution group". I only want the condition to be if the message is sent direcly to the distribution group, not the members.
Any other solutions?
September 7th, 2007 7:47pm
I've got the same issue. The solution above does not have the option to set up autoreponder. We have several shared mailboxes that require an automaticreply to the external customer, notifying them their issue will be dealt within certain time slots.
So far I have only found 3rd party programs that will set this up for Exchange 2007. Does Exchange have this functionality?
I am aware that autoreplies and other automatic responses, such as out of office notifications do not leave the company, to restrict spoofing and mail loops. Would this need to be disabled to set up these replies? Or can exceptions be written into the Hub Transport rules?
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March 17th, 2008 7:35am
The answer is here for exchange 2007:
scroll down to "Message Format Settings"
April 2nd, 2008 3:12am
I already check the link and enable allow automatics replies, what is the next step, should I create the rule in outlook, but I still have no change, I check outlook but now new option added to rules.
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April 2nd, 2008 1:27pm
go into the mailbox itself (You will need to log in as the mailbox, not just connect to it via your own client)and create a new rule. check the message when they arrive --> all messages (Or whatever restriction you want to put on them)
Make sure you select "Have server reply using a specific message" and set the message up.
April 4th, 2008 2:27am
Mailbox?? This is an alias...
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April 4th, 2008 4:24pm
This is the best way I have so far, but if anyone else has something different, please post here.
Once you have enabled the auto-repiles for external mail (See my previous posts) The autoreply message needs to be set up.
I have not found anything that lets you set up an auto reply to a dristribution list (Or an alias) However I have a work around for it.
I have set up a distribution list with the email In the distribution list I have included the whole sales team. I have then gone to the manager of that teamand set up a rule on their personal mailbox. Whenever an email comes in that is to the email address, the rule then sends the server reply back to the customer. (On behalf of, so the customer still replies to the correct address)
I also have a spread sheet to list the distribution lists I have set it up for and the people who currently have the rule on their mailbox. That way if they leave, I know and the rule can be moved to someone else. (It's why I picked the manager, though. They are less likely to leave than the rest of the team)
Not the best answer, but it will at least do for now.
April 5th, 2008 5:35am