Auto Accept issue in Ex 2007 Resources Mailbox
Hi Team I had created 5 no's of Resource Mailbox in Ex 2007 Console(EMC). Once created , i had checked get-mailboxcalendarsettings -identity confxyx it shows as identity AutomateProcessing -------- ------------------ Users/Conference/Confxyz AutoAccept Then i sent a test meeting to the above confroom and found the auto accept confirmation not received from the above Ok, then i enable the confroom account from DSA.MSC . then login via OWA for the conf.Room then enable the option called Automatically Process meeting Request and cancellation after then i am able to receice the auto acceptance message from the Conf.Room to the users who are booking the conf.Room. then what is the meaning of the below results identity AutomateProcessing -------- ------------------ Users/Conference/Confxyz AutoAccept My Query is , should i do for all the like the above for auto accept meesage? is that by desgin. is there any way to enable the auto accept option once the resource mailbox been created. What is the solution for this?any idea please help
December 6th, 2010 10:52am

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