I am supporting exchange 2010 sp3 with rollup update 8 v2 (KB2986475)
Using Outlook 2013.
When I am off the network I am getting prompted by autodiscover:
"Allow this website to configure "email address" with these server settings."
What is odd it is the prompt is for a mailbox that I have full manage access rights to, not my mailbox.
If I test autodiscover settings through the system tray icon, I am prompted to enter my credentials.
My credentials will fail if I use my email address, I must use the format "domain\username", then it succeeds.
The logs for Autodiscover show it fails for everything but the Srv Record Lookup.
I am also getting reports from multiple users that they are getting snyc errors with shared calendar permissions.
This is happening when they have Limited Availability or Reviewer Permissions set on the shared calendars.
Do I need to reset the virtual directories for Autodiscover and EWS?
This seems to have started after I applied Update Rollup 8 v2 For Exchange 2010 SP3 (KB2986475) a few weeks ago, but I can not confirm that all this started after that.
Thanks for the help. Jeff