Hello all
I am running Exchange 2013 Ru8. I host many different smtp domains. Example "abc.com" "cbs.com"
and "123.com". some users have "@123.com" stamped as a secondary smtp address. Autodiscover.123.com and mail.123.com resolve externally to the public ip address on the firewall. As a test i created "autodiscover.abc.com"
and "autodiscover.cbs.com" A records in external DNS and pointed these two records to the external ip address on our firewall. We currently use a wildcard cert on the Exchange servers "*.123.com". I'm noticing if a user connects
remotely and has a primary SMTP address of @abc.com or @cbc.com and they have a secondary smtp address of "@cbs.com" they do not get a certificate prompt warning that the name doesn't match. However if a user is running outlook 2010 they do
get a certificate warning prompt.
From everything that i understand about Autodiscover process, is that the autoD process will always use the users primary email address to construct the Autopdiscover request. If this is true then i would have expected the users who's primary email address is @abc.com or @cbs.com, but have a secondary email address of @123.com to get a certificate warning, however the 2013 users get no warning at all, but the 2010 users do.
do the two different client versions handle autodiscover process differe