Automatically create Rack Diagrams


I have an excel document that I wanted to use to create a server Rack Diagram in Visio. I can link the objects to shapes no problem, but what I wanted to do was use the rack position information I have in excel to automatically position the objects (servers / switches etc) within the right rack on the diagram.

Any ideas how to do this?


May 18th, 2015 10:53am


This is a very common request that I usually just put in a shorthand response of ,

"Will require an extensive amount of code", and, "use a relational database, not

Excel". It is basically a Bill Of Materials type of application. You might check out

Chris Roth's site '' for some thoughts. I did something similar

with and SQL server. Here are the discussion videos.


al edlund

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May 20th, 2015 10:09pm

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