What you are planning will be messing up the users and they would be totally confused what is happening.
I would say educate the users, rather than enforcing something complex like this, which might give rise to other tracking and trobleshooting issue to the Exchange Admin itself at a later point in time.
Now back to your requriements\ questions
2.Will this method make the final sender the BCC mailbox or Kathy?
If you setup what you have mentioned, email will be from the BCCMailbox to the suprise of the senders.
i.e Person X sends email to DL-Everyone, the email comes with Signature of person X but from BCCmailbox. Same happens anyone else sends it. More over there would be no-one in the To;Cc: field as well. The Outlook conversation view filters will also not work
properly here to sort the emails.
Do you actually want the sender to change and DL-Everyone is moved to BCC. Or only DL-Everyone is moved to BCC.
1. How do I set this up?
I don't recomend you do this. However you can maybe setup a Outlook forwarder that any email sent to this mailbox To: DL-Everyone1 gets forwarded or something to the DL-Everyone1 via BCC.
Back to my earlier solution:
-If the message is sent to a specific DL
-And is received from inside the organisation
-Set audit severity level to 'High'
-and redirect the message to BCC (DL and the BCCMailbox incase you want a copy for Journalling reasons)
-stop processing more rules
Processing as follows:
Kathy sends an incorrectly compiled e-mail to DL-Everyone > All DL-Everyone mails are intercepted and redirected to DL-Everyone again but in BCC field this time.
Now thing is I or you, need to test it if it works or not.
Even better if you restrict the DL to accept messages from selective users only.
Interception and Redirection of Messages Using Transport Rules or Journaling