Backing up reduces storage use?
I recently performed a Windows backup on an Exchange 2013 store and afterwards noticed that the storage used went down by almost 300GB. What happened? Thanks.
July 6th, 2015 9:22am

When was the last time you backed up Exchanage?  Also, are the log files on the same volume that the database files are?

Basically what happens is that once a backup is complete typically the what ever program performed the backup will send a request to remove the database's transaction logs.

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July 6th, 2015 10:08am

Hinte, is 100% correct, upon the successful backup completion all logs that were previoulsy commited are truncated
July 6th, 2015 2:00pm

It's expected behavior with transaction logs to get truncated after certain type of Exchange backups...

Backup type


Full backups

Backs up the databases (*.edb), transaction logs (*.log), checkpoint files (*.chk), and then truncates the transaction logs for a specific database.

Copy backups

Backs up the database, transaction logs, and checkpoint files. Copy backups do not truncate the transaction logs for the database.

Incremental backups

Backs up the transaction logs to record changes since the last full or incremental backup, and then truncates the transaction logs.

Differential backups

Backs up the transaction logs to record changes since the last full or incremental backup, and does not truncate the transaction logs.

Reference: Types of backup operations for Exchange 2013 -

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July 6th, 2015 6:37pm

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