Beta 2 Mailbox Install Failed
I get the following error when trying to install Exchange 2007 Beta 2 on Windows 2003 R2:
Mailbox RoleFailed
Error:An error occurred. error code was 3238230409 message was An internal component is not responding.."
I have tried reinstalling the mailbox role using Add/Remove program and got the same error.
I tried "Exsetup /mode:install /role:mailbox /sourcedir:<your-souce-installation-files>" and got the same error.
I have rebuilt the machine again and get the same error.
Hub transport role and client access role install without any problems.
This is a existing Active Directory domain with Exchange 2003 server.
Where do I go from here?
August 22nd, 2006 8:19pm
Can you post the part of the ExchangeServerSetup.log file that includes the error? A few lines before and a few lines after, as well, would be helpful.
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August 23rd, 2006 6:31pm
Extract from ExchangeSetup.log
[8/18/2006 1:23:50 PM] [1] Executing 'install-ExsetdataAtom -AtomName MDB -DomainController $RoleDomainController', handleError = False[8/18/2006 1:23:50 PM] [2] Launching sub-task '$error.Clear(); install-ExsetdataAtom -AtomName MDB -DomainController $RoleDomainController'.[8/18/2006 1:23:50 PM] [2] Beginning the task's processing.[8/18/2006 1:23:50 PM] [2] Executing command '$error.Clear(); install-ExsetdataAtom -AtomName MDB -DomainController $RoleDomainController'.[8/18/2006 1:23:50 PM] [2] Processing one object in the task.[8/18/2006 1:23:50 PM] [2] Calling exsetdata atom MDB in mode "Add".[8/18/2006 1:23:50 PM] [2] Beginning Install of Information Store Service sub-component[8/18/2006 1:23:50 PM] [2] Removing registry entries for Information Store Service[8/18/2006 1:23:52 PM] [2] Removing Active Directory objects for Information Store Service[8/18/2006 1:23:52 PM] [2] Removing information store container[8/18/2006 1:23:52 PM] [2] Removing IIS Metabase objects for Information Store Service[8/18/2006 1:23:52 PM] [2] Deleting the service 'MSExchangeIS'.[8/18/2006 1:23:52 PM] [2] Creating the service 'MSExchangeIS'.[8/18/2006 1:23:52 PM] [2] Configuring registry entries for Information Store Service[8/18/2006 1:43:53 PM] [2] [ERROR] An error occurred. error code was 3238230409 message was An internal component is not responding.."[8/18/2006 1:43:54 PM] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:[8/18/2006 1:43:54 PM] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: An error occurred. error code was 3238230409 message was An internal component is not responding.."[8/18/2006 1:43:54 PM] [1] 0. ErrorRecord: Microsoft.Exchange.Management.Deployment.ExsetdataException: An error occurred. error code was 3238230409 message was An internal component is not responding.."[8/18/2006 1:43:54 PM] [1] [ERROR] An error occurred. error code was 3238230409 message was An internal component is not responding.."[8/18/2006 1:43:54 PM] [1] Setup is halting task execution because of one or more errors in a critical task.[8/18/2006 1:43:54 PM] [1] Finished executing component tasks.[8/18/2006 1:43:54 PM] [1] Ending the task's processing.[8/18/2006 2:46:30 PM] [0] ExsetupUI Run method returned 0[8/18/2006 2:46:30 PM] [0] End of Setup[8/18/2006 2:46:30 PM] [0] **********************************************
Extract from Exchange Server Setup Progress.log:
[13:23:52] ++++ Starting interpreter on file C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Setup\data\mdb_reg.ins ++++ -- ID:31258 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <OpenMachineKey:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <CreateKey:Exchange Provider> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <CreateKey:Active Messaging> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <CloseKey:> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <OpenMachineKey:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <CreateKey:MSExchangeIS\Performance> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <CreateKey:EDB\Performance> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <CreateKey:ESE\Performance> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <CloseKey:> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <OpenMachineKey:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\Performance> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <ReplaceString:Close;CloseMdbPerformanceData> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <ReplaceString:Collect;CollectMdbPerformanceData> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <ReplaceExpandString:Library;C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\perf\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\mdbperf.dll> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <ReplaceString:Open;OpenMdbPerformanceData> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <CloseKey:> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Interpreting line <CreateProcessSafe:.;unlodctr MSExchangeIS;180000> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Process created ... waiting (180000)[13:23:52] Ignoring exit code 0x0003f2[13:23:52] Interpreting line <CreateProcess:C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\perf\X86;lodctr mdbperf.ini;1200000> -- ID:31259 --[13:23:52] Process created ... waiting (1200000)[13:43:53] CreateProcess timed out before the spawned process completed! -- ID:31195 --[13:43:53] CInsParser::ScProcessLine (f:\08.00.0605\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\exsetup\hiddenw1.cxx:1216) Error code 0XC1037989 (31113): An internal component is not responding.[13:43:53] Processing file 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Setup\data\mdb_reg.ins', at or near line 23 (CreateProcess:C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\bin\perf\X86;lodctr mdbperf.ini;1200000) -- ID:31111 -- CInsParser::ScProcessLine (f:\08.00.0605\sources\dev\admin\src\libs\exsetup\hiddenw1.cxx:489) Error code 0XC1037989 (31113): An internal component is not responding.[13:43:53] Registry file name: 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Setup\data\mdb_reg.ins' CRegistryManager::ScProcessFile (f:\08.00.0605\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\tools\regmgr.cxx:125) Error code 0XC1037989 (31113): An internal component is not responding.[13:43:53] Filename = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Setup\data\mdb_reg' CBaseAtom::ScRunRegistryFile (f:\08.00.0605\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\basecomp\baseatom.cxx:1435) Error code 0XC1037989 (31113): An internal component is not responding.[13:43:53] Leaving CBaseAtom(Information Store Service)::ScRunRegistryFile[13:43:53] Filename = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Setup\data\mdb_reg' CBaseAtom::ScAddRegistryKeys (f:\08.00.0605\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\basecomp\baseatom.cxx:1305) Error code 0XC1037989 (31113): An internal component is not responding.[13:43:53] Leaving CBaseAtom(Information Store Service)::ScAddRegistryKeys[13:43:53] CAtomBaseMDB::ScAddRegistryKeys (f:\08.00.0605\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\components\server\a_basemdb.cxx:132) Error code 0XC1037989 (31113): An internal component is not responding.[13:43:53] Leaving CAtomBaseMDB::ScAddRegistryKeys[13:43:53] CBaseAtom::ScAdd (f:\08.00.0605\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\basecomp\baseatom.cxx:648) Error code 0XC1037989 (31113): An internal component is not responding.[13:43:53] Leaving CBaseAtom(Information Store Service)::ScAdd[13:43:53] Service = 'MSExchangeIS' CBaseServiceAtom::ScAdd (f:\08.00.0605\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\basecomp\basesvcatom.cxx:203) Error code 0XC1037989 (31113): An internal component is not responding.[13:43:53] Leaving CBaseServiceAtom(Information Store Service)::ScAdd[13:43:53] mode = 'Install' (61953) CBaseAtom::ScSetup (f:\08.00.0605\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\setupbase\basecomp\baseatom.cxx:537) Error code 0XC1037989 (31113): An internal component is not responding.[13:43:53] ScSetupAtom (f:\08.00.0605\sources\dev\admin\src\udog\exsetdata\exsetds.cxx:1032) Error code 0XC1037989 (31113): An internal component is not responding.[13:43:53] Leaving ScSetupAtom
August 25th, 2006 8:15pm
I had something similar a while back and i stopped the transport service I think during install when I thought it was hanging, it was about 10 mins in to the installation, sounds bad but it worked for me.
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August 28th, 2006 5:55pm
Tried stopping the transport service and still got the same error.
September 1st, 2006 8:15pm
Exchange Information Store is installed, but hangs when trying to start it.
I get the following error in the Application Event log, Source MSExchangeIS:
The description for Event ID ( 1118 ) in Source ( MSExchangeIS ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\ParametersSystem, 0x8004010f.
The description for Event ID ( 5000 ) in Source ( MSExchangeIS ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: Failed to initialize the registry, 0x8004010f.
What else can I try?
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September 1st, 2006 8:21pm
This appears to be the same error described at If so, there's an open bug against it now, so hopefully we'll see a fix.
September 14th, 2006 8:06pm
Hi Jim,
Try the following :
open adsiedit.msc (supporttools.msi), go to the configuration container.
then cn=configuration, cn=<domainname>,cn=<domain extension>
next cn= Services, then cn=microsoft exchange, then cn=<organisationname>, then cn=Administrative groups, then cn=<Organisationname>, then cn=Servers
In this container all exchange servers should be listed. If not... Add the MsExchExchangeServer (no typing error!) class with the name of the server
When done you can restart the Mailbox role installation through add remove programs.
Please watch the task manager, when the progressbar does not move check the LODCTR service in taskman and kill it. this process is taking all processor time away.
The mailbox role installation continues now but will fail with error starting information store but i'm working on that at the moment.
Ok, to fix the information store :
create the First Storage Group and Second Storage Group directories in the <exchangeroot>\Maibox directory. Then rerun Add/Remvoe Programs Exchange 2007 Change, then add mailbox role.
Installation Finishes successfull.
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September 19th, 2006 11:42am
That fixed it.
1) The server was not showing up in the Configuration container. I added the server.
2) I reran Exchange 2007 through Add/Remove Programs and installed Mailbox.
I killed LODCTR process when it was taking all the processor time.
I got the error about fail to start information store.
3) Information store would not start manually, or after a reboot.
4) Reran Exchange 2007 through Add/Remove Programs. Mailbox was still not checked, so I installed Mailbox again. This time LODCTR did not appear and install finished successfully.
September 22nd, 2006 8:25pm