Burning Exchange 2007 ISO
I've downloaded the Exchange 2007 (portuguese brazil)ISO from Technet but I can't figure out how to burn it on DVD. If I open the ISO file all I found is two folders: Layer0 and Layer1 which looks like a DVD authoring contents. I know I need to burn on a dual-layer DVD but if I do that all I've got is the same two folders above. Maybe the ISO image has been packed wrong or does anyone knows another method to burn this DVD?
February 4th, 2007 12:19am
Good day!
Folders Layer0 and Layer1 contain image.dat files. You have to merge these files to one, and then open it as iso image.
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February 20th, 2007 4:36pm
For whatthis is worth. I tried burning this ISO twice on two different XP Pro PCs, once with Roxio's newest full version and again with Roxio OEM light version. Both times it fails near the very end of it's process. No mutitasking was done during these tries. One drive was a Plextor and the other a Sony. It apears that this ISO mighthave something odd or wrong about it.
March 24th, 2008 5:35pm