I have an issue with a client when setting up Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2013. The client recently got a new employee and the employee was setup on an existing workstation that has BCM installed. When I launched Outlook 2013, and configured Oultook for the new user, BCM started and needed to be configured. I went through the procedure for connecting to a 'Remote Database' on the server, typed in the server name as requested, and clicked Continue. BCM searched for the database but could not find it. The existing user account on the workstation works just fine with BCM, and sees the remote database.
My next step was to remove BCM and re-install. This is the latest version/release of BCM for Outlook 2013. The existing user account was able to configure BCM with no issues, and found the remote database without an issue. The new user account had the same issue as before and would not find the remote database.
I logged onto the same workstation as the administrator account we use to perform Admin tasks. I launched Outlook, configured Outlook 2013, and was able to successfully configure BCM and connect to the remote database with no issues.
I then created another New User on the server called Testaccount (TAccount), and logged onto the same workstation again, as this new user, and went through the same Outlook 2013 configuration and BCM setup. BCM has the same issue with this new user, and cannot locate the remote database. From what I can determine, this looks to be something related to New Users that are created on the server and BCM not locating the remote database. Existing users do not have this issue when configuring BCM and connecting to the remote database.
Has anyone had this issue or seen this issue and knows of a fix to correct this so my client can use BCM with the new user account, and any future new users they hire?
Thank you in advance for any assistance on this matter.