CCR Installation errors
I just installed the active node of and exchange 2007 cluster based on the instructions in this article:
They errors I received mirror this article exactly:
My installation was 75% complete and I had the same error messages.
I ran this command, substituting the generic information with info from my installation: /newcms /cmsname:ccr-evs2 /cmsipaddress: /cmsdatapath:e:\exchsrvr\mdbdata
The problem is my setup does not complete. I get this error message:
Exchange Server component Clustered Mailbox Server failed.
Error: Error:
Clustered mailbox server 'Exchange2k7' is not in an started (online) state (Failed). The cluster resource 'First Storage Group/Mailbox Database (Exchange2k7)' is in state (Failed).
Does anyone know why? The mailbox server role installed successfully, but the mailbox database created durring installation will not mount.
December 28th, 2007 3:41am
Have you tried to manually mount the database fromEMC/ powershell? What happens?
Are there any errors registered in Event Log?
Could it possibly be waiting for replication to complete? I somehow doubt it but worth a shot - force your DC's to replicate then try mount the DB's again.
Either way, somewhere you should see something indicating why the information stores will not mount.
Basically what has happened is all files & services are correctly copied, installed & created ONLY setup has not finalized, ie the System Attendant mailbox is not correctly configured & RUS Service has not been setup & run.
If you can manually bring all the services online & mount the databases I suspect rerunning setup from cmd as indicated abovewill solve your problem.
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December 30th, 2007 9:59am
I had tried mounting from command line with no luck. I remove the deafult stores and setup ran fine. Then I created my own stores. Everything is running without a problem now.
January 2nd, 2008 6:19pm