CUSTOM GAL Not Updating using Set-GlobalAddressList
We have several companies under our parent, each requiring separate GAL's in addition to the Default Global Address List. I have been able to create the additional GAL's via Exchange
Management Shell using the syntax New-GlobalAddressList -Name "Brian Harris BMW Mini" -ConditionalCompany "Brian Harris BMW Mini" -ConditionalCustomAttribute15 "DistGroupBMWMini" -IncludedRecipients "AllRecipients". This syntax correctly created the Custom
GAL, however we have had to make a change and only want to filter by the -ConditionalCustomAttribute15 value. I have used then following to attempt to modify the GAL Set-GlobalAddressList -Identity "Brian Harris BMW Mini" -ConditionalCustomAttribute15 "DistGroupBMWMini".
Upon execution of the script I receive no errors, and the script completes and returns to the PowerShell Prompt. I then update the GAL with Update-GlobalAddressList command, and then use the Get-GlobalAddressList -Identity "Brian Harris BMW Mini" | FL to return
the results. Long story short the -ConditionalCompany parameter is not being removed. HELP!!! Any ideas and suggestions are welcome.
May 22nd, 2010 7:10pm
You need to set the ConditionalCompany attributes value to NULL. Run this command and then run the update-globaladdresslist cmdlet.
Set-GlobalAddressList -Identity "Brian Harris BMW Mini" -ConditionalCompany
$NULL -ConditionalCustomAttribute15 "DistGroupBMWMini"
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May 22nd, 2010 9:04pm
Thank you for your assistance and your advice, using the syntax you provided I was able to correct the address list issue.
Semper Fi
May 24th, 2010 7:35pm