Cached Mode Not Seeing All Users
two separate Exchange 2007 Envir's
Exch 2007 A has as primary email address.
Exch 2007 B has; users were modified to have as their primary - no problems, none.
Migrated users from Exch 2007 B to Exch 2007 A using quest tools
Anyone in cached mode cannot see the migrated users if the primary email address is; however changing primary to works.
is it an alias problem? why?
March 23rd, 2012 7:56am
Your OAB isn't updating correctly.
Can you see all users through OWA? That uses live information and will prove that things are working correctly with the GAL.
If you can see everything in OWA, then it is the OAB you have to look at.
You can force the OAB to update to begin with - get-offlineaddressbook |update-offlineaddressbook - then wait about 30 minutes or so and force a download of the Address Book through the Send/Receive menu.
If it is still failing then you need to look deeper at why.
Simon Butler, Exchange MVP
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March 23rd, 2012 9:20am
I should add that creating a new user in domain will show in the users cached mode. so its something else.
March 23rd, 2012 2:14pm