Calander meeting requests issues
I am having a strange issue with calendar/meeting requests in outlook for a law firm.
An attorney from office A will send an outlook meeting request to a specific lawyer at office B who is also using Microsoft outlook (the two offices are not linked at all
on a network, both are separate law firms). When the meeting request arrives at office B the whole office gets the meeting request, instead of just the specified recipient. Also, when the recipient tries to forward a response, it will send to the whole office,
as well as, and not to just the specified user. It will state in the forwarded email that recipient is responding on behalf of, even if it is the person who originally sent the email who has no ties to them.
The organization who is having the issues is using Exchange server 2003 sp 2, and the client side is outlook 2010. I am not sure what outlook version or exchange version the outside
offices are using, but this is happening with multiple offices, so I am positive this is an in-house error.
I hope this message makes sense, as it’s hard to describe.
Any help is greatly appreciated,
Thank you,
June 8th, 2011 9:17pm
Hey Adam,
Unfortunately your post is off topic here, in the TechNet Site Feedback forum, because it is not Feedback about the TechNet Website or Subscription.
Since you're having strange outlook issue, you probably should post that question here in
the outlook forum.
Because it sounds like you're using Exchange Server, I'm also going to move this post to the Exchange Server General Discussion forum. They'll know a lot more about your issue than I will, I promise :)
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June 8th, 2011 10:09pm
As I understand, your Exchange organization is the recipient side.
The issue is :
There are multiple external offices send meeting request to one user of your organization, all the users within the organization will receive the
meeting request.
If I misunderstand you, please let me know.
Who is the original recipient?
If the recipient is a special user, I
suggest you recover the single mailbox.
If the recipient is any user in your organization, you could try to recover the mailbox database.
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June 10th, 2011 12:27pm