The gridlines on my MS Outlook seem to be barely visible almost to the point that you can no longer see them. I was wondering why that happened or how to change it back? It was not doing this before.
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Technology Tips and News
The gridlines on my MS Outlook seem to be barely visible almost to the point that you can no longer see them. I was wondering why that happened or how to change it back? It was not doing this before.
Thank You
Which version of Outlook are you using? What gridlines do you mean? Would you please upload a screenshot to help us understand it? If your account is not verified to upload an image, you can share it to us via sending it to GBSD TN Office Information Collection ibsofc@microsoft.com.
Meanwhile, you may try to reset Outlook views and check if it helps. To do this, exit Outlook, press Windows key + R to open the Run command, type outlook /cleanviews and press Enter.
Please let me know the result.
Steve Fan
TechNet Community Support