Calendar permissions not allowing edits
Good afternoon -I have user that are set as Authors on some user calendars that were migrated from Exchange 2003 to 2007. When they try to edit their own appointment they get a message stating a lack of permission - unable to make the changes requested. If I go set them as an editor they can change things w/o a problem, but I don't want to give away the farm and let users be able to change other users' appointments. Anybody know what the problem could be? The mailbox is now in Exchange 2007 as a user mailbox set to use the calendar for a room reservation.Thanks for your help!
June 10th, 2009 12:30am
Hi,Please use MFCMAPI Edit tool to open one of the user's mailbox.1. Download MFCMAPI using the following link: Launch MFCMAPI Editor3. From the Session Menu, choose Logon and dispaly store table4.Select the mailbox (Mailbox-<alias>) and click OK5. Double click the Mailbox.6. Expand Root container, and IPM_SUBTREE7. Right click Calendar, select Display ACL table, find the user who you set as the Author8. Locate it, check the value of the PR_MEMBER_RIGHTS, and let me know.ThanksAllen
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June 12th, 2009 1:24pm