Can't migrate public folders from Exchange 2003
Moving on to the next issue. Yay. The internet says I should be able to use a script from within the Exchange install to add replicas (mentioned in this MS blog). I ran that script, but the pf .edb on my Exchange 2010 server hasn't been modified since 2 Dec. I also tried moving all replicas using ESM on my Exchange 2003 box, but that didntt seem to do anything. Finally, I have created a new pf in Exchange 2010 and added the Exchange 2003 server as a replica. The new pf did replicate. There are no events on the Exchange 2003 server and there were no errors generated by the replica-adding script. What am I missing? Thanks.
December 5th, 2011 10:57pm

So the issue is resolved and you would like to know the root cause, is that correct? I am suspecting the replica schedule has not be setup correctly and the replica has not been triggered, so there was no any error in Exchange 2003 server. Please understand that if an issue cannot be reproduced, it is unlikely to find the root cause. Just for your information, the following Microsoft articles might be helpful. Scripts for Managing Public Folders in the Exchange Management Shell How to Move Public Folder from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 Administration of Public Folders with the introduction of Exchange 2007 Configure Public Folder Replication Fiona Liao TechNet Community Support
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December 6th, 2011 6:29am

Any other questions on this thread? If no, I assuem this issue can be marked as answered. Thanks. Fiona Liao TechNet Community Support
December 6th, 2011 10:56pm

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