Can't receive emails any longer - Spamblocker1 problem
My ES2K3 was working fine yesterday. I have NOT changed anything since yesterday. I have not applied any patches. I have not changed any settings. I have not installed any software. I have not installed any new hardware. I have not changed any hardware settings on my servers, my firewalls, my routers or switches.
Suddenly, this morning we realized that we were not receiving any emails from the outside. I can send emails but nobody can receive emails.
When we try to send emails from Hotmail, GMail, or anywhere else, we get an "SMTP 550 5.7.1 <Sender's IP Address> has been blocked by SpamBlocker 1".
I have checked my firewalls and routers and can see that the packets get through but they all seem to get blocked at the server (at the FE or BE, I don't know). I have an up to date antivirus and I have scannedboth my FE & BE servers and they come up clean. I have searched Google & Altavista but to no avail. I have even rebooted the servers and my infrastructure equipment but with no positive results.
Has anyone seen this problem before? Please help!! I'm sure you all know how critical it is to have our emails. Thanks.
March 27th, 2008 12:47am
I have found the solution to my own problem. Apparently, the answer lies within this link: Long story short, the blacklist website that tracks spammers is no longer operational and it, for some reason, has EVERY website in the world listed as a spam site. Therefore, if you are using as on of your websites to check for spammers then you need to delete it or diable it.
- Start ESM
- (In the left window pane) click the plus symbol next to "Global Settings"
- Right click on the "Message Delivery" option and select "Properties"
- Click on the "Connection Filtering" tab
- Under the "Block List Service Configuration" section, find the name of the rule that is causing the denial.
- Left click on it once and select the "Edit" button underneath.
- At the bottom left-hand corner, there is a "Disable this rule" option (or just simply click the "Remove" button prior to clicking the "Edit" button) click it and click OK.
Your done.
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March 27th, 2008 1:40am