Can no longer access my shared calendar

I have been sharing my work calendar for a long time, accessed it from multiple computers and email account and it worked with no problems. As of recently, the calendar was no longer visible in my home Outlook (Win 8.1 and Office 2013). I then repeated the sharing process by un-sharing and re-sharing at work, and sending the invitation from work Outlook (Windows 7 and Outlook 2010 on Exchange Server) to my home email address which I also use to log into my home computer (Win 8.1 and Office 2013) and to and to Same home address is on SkyDrive at both work and home.

When I click on the Subscribe button in the email, the Contacting Web Server dialog appears for a while then goes away and nothing happens. If I try to add the calendar explicitly using File/Account Settings/Internet Calendars/New..and pasting the webcals URL,  I get the error message: "Cannot verify or add the Internet Calendar in Outlook. Verify the link is a valid calendar lnk.". I tried replacing webcals:// with http:// - same result.

Trying to connect to the shared calendar in Google Mail also produces an error. Error text: "Could not fetch the url."

Finally I typed the URL replacing webcals:// with http:// into Internet Explorer's address bar and got a white page stating "Page moved here." where the word "here" is a link pointing to the very same page.

I tried logging into my account (same home email address mentioned above). Got an error message: "This account can't be used to access You are currently signed with an Office365 account..."

Please help! What am I doing wrong?

November 8th, 2013 4:10am

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