Cannot configure in Mobile


I have some problems with mobile configuration.

Some email account can be configured in mobile. Brand is liked Samsung, Huawei and Iphone.

But other email account cannot be configured in mobile. Brand is the same as the above.

It is really confused to solve. Not all the email accounts are facing liked this. 

For example in mobile,

email address -

domain\username - exchange\mmhein

exchange server -

After that,  nothing appears and keep loading and loading.

Which settings should I check in exchange server.

Please help me. 

Mail Server Specs,

OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64bits

Mail Server: Exchange 2013 Service Park 1 Version:15.0..847.32

Best Rgds,


February 22nd, 2015 10:54pm


Is EAS enabled on the mailbox for the problem users? Go to ECP -> recipients -> mailboxes -> username and double click on their name. Select Mailbox features -> Mobile Devices. If disable then click on enable Exchange ActiveSync.

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February 24th, 2015 11:47pm

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