Cannot create new mailbox
Exchange 2007 SP2 Fresh install, no legacy 2003.
The setup went ok with no errors, but when trying to add a new mailbox we get:
Summary: 1 item(s). 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Elapsed time: 00:00:00
The Exchange server address list service failed to respond. This could be because of an address list or email address policy configuration error.
Exchange Management Shell command attempted:
Enable-Mailbox -Identity '' -Alias 'root' -Database 'EXCH-MAILBOX\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database'
Elapsed Time: 00:00:00
There are errors in the event logs of the mailbox machine. The Exchange System Attendant is running.
Any ideas ?
February 10th, 2010 7:11pm
Correction: There are _no_ errors in the event logs of the mailbox machine.
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February 10th, 2010 7:12pm
This error can occur because of a host of problems and of course depending on the issue there are a couple solutions to fix your problem. First since mailbox creation is dependent on the System Attendant service let’s start there, can you restart that service and try to create a new mailbox.
Other questions:
Is Exchange installed on a DC?
Do you have any DCs that has a 15 character NetBIOS name?Chris
February 10th, 2010 7:33pm
Hi,Based on the error, i found that the issue could be of Domain controller replicationIs the replication between your domain controller good. If not fix it.Also check for the permission inheritance in the ADSIEDIT
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February 12th, 2010 12:21am
There are plenty of cases where this is not the fix. I think Sadiq has some valid points but there are a tons of reasons and cases where this issues occurs and thus lots of solutions to solve the problem. A.DB any update on your issue?Chris
February 12th, 2010 2:18am
This could be due to problems with "Default Email Address Policy".
Check it and apply it if it has not been applied yet.
Regards,Laeeq Qazi|Team Lead(Exchange + Sharepoint + BES + DynamicsCRM)
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February 12th, 2010 1:32pm
Thanks for all the help.
I've tried restarting the system attendant, I get the same error.
There is only one domain controller(no replication) and its netbios name is DOMAIN-CONTROLL
I've made sure the default -email address policy is applied.
February 14th, 2010 7:21pm
Hi,Exchange 2007 setup has this validation check, that stops the setup if parenthesis "(" ")" or ampersand "&" characters are found in the purportedSearch attribute for a recipient policy already existing in your Exchange 2003 organization. Simply use ADSIEDIT, navigate to Configuration --> Services --> MS Exchange --> [organization name] --> Recipient Policies. For each recipient policy, open up the purportedSearch attribute and make a note of the original value. Then clear that value to <not set>. Once this has been done for all recipient policies, setup magically completes successfully.
Regards from
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February 14th, 2010 7:45pm
There was no prior 2003 install, and the setup did not fail or give errors.
I've used ADSIEDIT to change the purportedSearch to <not set> just in case.
Still the same error.
What else can I check?
February 15th, 2010 4:04pm