Cannot set PrimarySmtpAddress in New-MailContact
Did anyone expierenced problem that it is not possible to set PrimarySmtpAddress in New-MailContact cmdlet?
[PS] C:\Temp\1>new-mailcontact -aliasdummy -firstnameAAA -lastnameBBB -n
ame "AAA BBB" -ExternalEmailAddress -PrimarySmtpAddress aaa.bbb@ -org ""
New-MailContact : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'PrimarySmtpAddress'.
At line:1 char:142
+ new-mailcontact -aliasdummy -firstnameAAA -lastnameBBB -n
ame "AAA BBB" -ExternalEmailAddress -PrimarySmtpAddress <<<< aaa.bbb@ -org ""
I've checked and this parameter is valid in Set-MailContact..
December 11th, 2007 12:20pm
I've just tried on my E2K7 SP1 demo machine and it worked fine, even down to creating the contact in the correct OU.
Are you using RTM or SP1? Also, are you pasting the cmdlet into the shell window or are you typing it in manually? Sometimes, pasting in from a website, etc, can introduce formatting that you can't see, leading to weird errors.
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December 11th, 2007 4:02pm
I'm using RTM.
For now I use set-mailcontact to set address:
set-mailcontact -identityaaa -emailaddresspolicyenabled 0 -primarysmtpaddress
December 18th, 2007 11:20am